Boothroyd says

Boothroyd says

Colchesters manger Adrian Boothroyd efter 2-1 hemma mot Walsall i lördags

Colchester slog Walsall med 2-1 hemma på Weston Homes Community Stadium. Lisbie gjorde två mål och förde Colchester till sin nionde match utan förlust. Kayode Odejayi och Clive Platt var också i bra form för Colchester.

Boothroyd sa:
“The thing about us is that we can always score. That takes a little bit of pressure off you because you can play not so well and still win." 

Om Walsalls snabba kvittering:
“The concentration levels switched off after we went ahead and they scored straight away which was disappointing. But we're not going to play well every game but in the second half, I thought that we did really well."

Dom första 45 minutrarna var ganska usla och Aidy sa:
“Walsall were far better than us in the first half. Whoever you play in any league, you have to apply yourselves from the very first minute. I felt that we were a bit lacklustre from the start. Walsall played some very good stuff in the first half and we went ahead against the run of play.  But that's what we can do and we have a habit of scoring goals when we're under pressure. 

Colchesterspelarna tillbringade bara några minuter i omklädningsrummet under pausen innan Aidy skickade ut dom för att värma upp i förtid. Assisterande manger John Ward och coachen Joey Dunne tog halvtidssnacket med spelarna ute på planen. 

" I did have a few words to say because we set high standards here. It's like when you have an argument with your wife. You tend to come out, put a brave face on and pretend you've not had a row. I'm lucky that I can trust two very, very capable guys I work with in Dunne and Ward. Sometimes you have to gauge when it's right to be absent and went it's right to be present. This time I said what I had to say and got out the way."

Spelet blev betydligt bättra i andra halvlek och även publiken tände till.

“In the second half I thought that there was only one team that was going to go on and win and that was us.” 

“I thought Walsall were far better than us first half, but in the second half the guys got themselves together and there was only team that would go on and win it.

“I can pick holes in the performance, but we know we are not going to play well in every minute of every game. Thankfully we came through it.”

Boothroyd har inte förlorat med sitt Colchester på nio matcher och har fyra raka hemmasegrar.

“It's nice to be third, but you don't win anything in November. We'll have a look at the table but that's nice just for now, we know we've got another tough game coming up.”

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REDAK COLCHbarside@hotmail.com2009-10-27 14:35:00

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