Kort om Habs presskonferens med Martin St. Louis
Det är snabba ryck för Habs nyutnämnde coach Martin St. Louis, idag höll han först en samling med spelarna innan han, Jeff Gorton och Kent Hughes hade en presskonferens och i natt är det dags för hans första match som NHL-coach.
Hela presskonferensen finns längst ned i artikeln men här är något av vad han och de andra sa:
- "We want to establish the culture we want to see, and Marty is the perfect embodiment of it." - Habs GM Kent Hughes
- "We wouldn't have brought him here if he wasn't the type of coach we were looking for."--Kent Hughes.
- "There will be changes. This is the first of several." - Habs GM Kent Hughes
- "He's representative of the culture we want in Montreal." - Habs GM Kent Hughes
- “If you were in the room when he spoke to the team, you’d have goosebumps.” Jeff Gorton om Martin St. Louis träff med spelarna
- "I'm not coming here to be a substitute teacher...I have every intention of being here a long time, but I'll have to prove myself again and earn it." - Martin St. Louis
- "My job coming in is to just inspire them, and I think that's one of my strengths." - Martin St. Louis
- "I do believe in this league, the most important day is the next one, and my dad is going to help me with that." - Martin St. Louis
- "My job coming in is to just inspire them, and I think that's one of my strengths." - Martin St. Louis
- "If anything this team needs right now, it's to have fun." - Martin St. Louis
- "I'm not someone who has all the answers, but in my life, I've always been able to find them...Answers are everywhere, you just have to find them." - Martin St. Louis
- "It's always been my dream to be an NHL coach. For me ... it was a matter of time." - Martin St. Louis
- "Give me a chance, and I'll show what I can do." - Martin St. Louis
- "If you only want things that are easy, you don't grow as a human being." - Martin St. Louis
- "I'm not afraid of this jump...to me, hockey is hockey." - Martin St. Louis
- "The game of hockey is played without the puck...my philosophy is I coach much more without the puck than the guy who has the puck." - Martin St. Louis.
- "I've always been a guy that blocks the noise and gets after it, and that's what I intend to do." --Martin St. Louis.
- "I love challenges. I've always loved challenges... I eat hockey. Why would I do this? 1) It's the Montreal Canadiens. 2) I'm the head coach. Those are good reasons to the do this."--Martin St. Louis.
- "I know I have no experience behind the bench, but I have a lot of it on the bench, on the ice and in the room."--Martin St. Louis.
- "I think I'm going to be a very demanding coach, but a fair one. Not just physically demanding, but mentally demanding."--Martin St. Louis.
- "I don't care about the terms of the contract. This is all about the opportunity. Give me a chance, and I'll show you what I can do with it."--Martin St. Louis.
- "This is something I've been preparing for for about 10 years."--Martin St. Louis.
- "I want my players to make great reads. Great players make great reads, when a great player isn't able to make a read, he becomes an average player" --Martin St. Louis.
- “I think this is a great fit — where the team is and Marty is,”
- “He’s just starting his career, and it’s going to be a rebuild there. I think they can all grow together. He has such a great hockey mind."
- “He’s going to love it. They’re going to love him. And they’ll get it done.”
- “It was just like how he got into the league, everyone said, ‘No,’ and he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer,”
- .“The biggest thing for him is to see what he has, see how much information he should give at certain times. He’s got to read his team. A big part of coaching is how much information you give your team. How can you give them and they still can play free. This is where his biggest strength is going to be. Coaching in the National Hockey League, the Xs and Os are important, but the feel and mindset of your team is more important. What the players have mentally, what they can handle on certain days in a season is where Marty is going to be strong."
- “He’s going to make mistakes, Just like players, it’s a game of mistakes. Coaches make mistakes. I’m sure along the way his emotions will get in the way. He’s an emotional guy, but it’s a huge part of what he’ll bring to the team. There’s going to be some media that’s going to try to get him into a corner. He’ll have to learn."
THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/uovtGauOW7
— Marty Shiesty?? (@tt0000ny) February 10, 2022
Martin St-Louis s'adresse aux médias en direct du Complexe sportif Bell, en compagnie de Kent Hughes et Jeff Gorton.
— Canadiens Montréal (@CanadiensMTL) February 10, 2022
Martin St. Louis is addressing the media live from the Bell Sports Complex along with Kent Hughes and Jeff Gorton.#GoHabsGo https://t.co/aTtGN5VE1w